This MOOC was designed in 2018 within the Research Ethics Platform of theUniversity of Lyon.

Since May 2015, all doctoral students must be trained in scientific integrity and research ethics. The MOOC offered by the University of Lyon, focused onresearch ethics, is aimed primarily at doctoral students, but concerns all researchers and citizens who wish to reflect on the transformations and contemporary implications of research, and the new ethical issues they raise.

This MOOC is complementary to the one on scientific integrity of the University of Bordeaux offered on FUN-MOOC since November 2018.

Science constitutes a central value of our democratic societies, which promote the desire for knowledge of the world and of man. Nevertheless, the new technoscientific performances and the acceleration of innovations are sometimes frightening. In addition, the scale of the resources mobilized, a regime of international competition and conflicts of interest between private good and the common good also give rise to a crisis of confidence.

How can we assume our responsibilities as citizens and researchers at a personal, collective and institutional level?