Courtesy formulas at the end of the email: Context of use

You don't send a professional email to a colleague as you would for your superior or for a client. There are language codes to know when you are in a professional setting. Sometimes we think we know them, until we realize that we were making some errors of use. In this article, we describe the contexts in which certain polite formulas are well suited.

The polite phrase "Have a nice day"

In the opinion of the email specialist, Sylvie Azoulay-Bismuth, author of the book “Being an email pro”, the polite phrase “Have a nice day” is intended for people with whom we have a relationship. very cordial professional. It can be used when sending an email to a colleague.

The polite phrase "Best regards"

You might as well know it so as not to pay the price for a failed communication! The polite phrase "Best regards" is used when you want to politely express your dissatisfaction. This is also felt in the content of the email which is naturally cold.

This is what makes some people say exaggeratedly that this formula is used when addressing one's "enemies".

The polite phrase "Sincerely yours"

It is a fairly formal and friendly formula. She does not pass judgment. When you have never met someone, this formula can be used to send them a professional email.

As you can see, in the phrase "Sincerely," greetings are neither distinguished nor better. In the opinion of several email specialists, this formula is a kind of "good master key".

In a cover letter, it has all its value and is also highly recommended. We can say for example: "Receive, Madam, Sir, my sincere greetings".

The polite phrase "Cordial greetings"

It is in between "Sincerely yours" and "Sincerely". The polite phrase "Sincerely" means "With all my heart". It has a Latin origin "Cor" meaning "Heart". But over time, its emotional content has diminished. It has become a widely used formula of respect with a dose of neutrality.

The polite formula: "With my best memories" or "Friendships"

This polite formula is used when sending an email to former colleagues and collaborators with whom we have shared very good memories.

We also use the formula "Friendship" when sharing friendships with your correspondent. This assumes that you have known him for quite some time.

The polite phrase "Sincerely yours"

This is a polite formula intended for other women. Contrary to what one might think, she does not mean "I am yours". Rather, the correct interpretation is “I wish you well”. It is normally used very rarely when it is aimed at men.