Presentation of the training “Professional e-mails”


In today's professional world, emails have become an essential communication tool. They make it possible to exchange information quickly and efficiently with customers, suppliers or colleagues. However, writing professional emails requires certain skills to ensure their relevance and impact. This is why HP LIFE has developed a free online training, entitled “Professional emails”, to help you master this essential skill.

This online course, entirely in French, is accessible to all and does not require any prerequisites. It is designed to be self-paced, and takes no more than 60 minutes to complete. The content is developed by experts from HP LIFE, an organization renowned for the quality of its online training. To date, more than 15 students have already joined this training, attesting to its success.

The “Professional e-mails” training is a unique opportunity to improve your written communication skills and optimize your use of e-mails in a professional context. By taking this course, you will not only learn the best practices for writing professional emails, but also the mistakes to avoid. You will thus be able to create clear, concise and relevant e-mails that meet the expectations of your interlocutors.


Training objectives and content


Training “Professional emails” aims to teach you how to write effective and relevant professional e-mails, adapted to different contexts and recipients. Here is an overview of the skills you will develop during this training:

  1. Identify good practices and mistakes to avoid when writing professional e-mails: You will know how to structure your message, choose the appropriate tone and use the appropriate polite formulas for your e-mails.
  2. Addressing an e-mail correctly: You will learn how to select the recipients, copy or blind copy the people concerned, and write a powerful e-mail subject that encourages the opening and reading of the message.
  3. Manage attachments: You will know how to add files to your e-mails in an efficient and secure way, taking into account the technical constraints and the preferences of your recipients.
  4. Create an electronic signature: The training will teach you how to design a professional signature that reflects your identity and facilitates communication with your contacts.

The course content is organized into several interactive lessons, which will take you step-by-step through learning the skills needed to write effective professional emails. Each lesson addresses a specific topic and offers concrete examples, practical advice and exercises to enable you to put into practice the concepts covered.

Thanks to this training, you will be able to communicate with your customers, suppliers and colleagues in a clear, concise and respectful manner, while respecting the codes and practices of the professional world. You will thus optimize your exchanges by e-mail and will reinforce the image of your company or your activity.


Certification and Training Benefits


Once you have completed the training “Professional emails”, you'll receive a certificate attesting to your achievement and your new professional email writing skills. This certificate is concrete proof of your commitment to improving your written communication skills and strengthens your professional profile.

Here are some of the benefits you can get from this training:

  1. Enhancement of your CV: By adding the certificate to your CV, you will demonstrate to potential employers your mastery of professional email writing skills, which can make the difference during a recruitment.
  2. Improving your LinkedIn profile: Mentioning your certificate on your LinkedIn profile will increase your visibility with recruiters and professionals in your industry, which can promote new professional opportunities.
  3. Time saving and efficiency: By applying the skills acquired during this training, you will write clearer and more impactful e-mails, which will allow you to save time and improve the quality of your professional exchanges.
  4. Reinforce your professional image: Mastering the art of writing professional emails will allow you to project a positive and professional image with your interlocutors, which is essential to establish relationships of trust and ensure the success of your activity. .