Among the courses planned in the IFOCOP training courses, the "Learning to learn" module invites learners to reflect on the conditions of their learning and suggests that they put all the chances on their side to succeed in making their retraining project a success. Melinda, 21, and Sandrine, 50, have agreed to share their thoughts on this subject.

Learning to learn is an essential prerequisite for the success of your training. If for some, the teachings of the coach and trainer Karine di Fusco "Are a matter of common sense" et "Flow naturally"This is also good news, it shows that, at IFOCOP, learners looking for practical and operational training have a practical spirit!

But that does not mean, however, that wondering about its learning conditions and its revision methods has become superfluous. Quite the contrary! Have you never felt any difficulty in assimilating a theoretical "block", Have you ever felt discouraged at the idea of ​​writing an internship report, an assignment or an exercise report? Have you ever encountered memory problems when, however, you