Understanding online tracking via unique identifiers

Online tracking has evolved over time, and the use of unique identifiers has become an increasingly common method to replace traditional cookies. These identifiers allow users to be tracked across the Internet based on information they provide, usually their email address.

When you register on a site, subscribe to a newsletter, or make an online purchase, your email address may be turned into a unique identifier through a process called hashing. This unique ID can then be shared between different services to track your online activity and target advertisements based on your browsing or social media accounts. It is important to note that this technique can be combined with other tracing methods, such as digital fingerprinting.

To combat this practice, it is essential to know the tools and strategies that can help you protect your privacy online. In a world where personal data have become a bargaining chip, it is crucial to protect yourself against online tracking and to preserve your anonymity as much as possible.

The use of unique identifiers presents a major privacy challenge. Nevertheless, there are solutions to limit their impact on your life online. In the following sections, we'll discuss ways to protect against tracking through unique identifiers and how to adopt best practices to safeguard your privacy.

Protect against tracking by unique identifiers

In order to protect against online tracking via unique identifiers, it is important to have the right tools and strategies. Here are some tips to limit the impact of unique identifiers on your life online.

One of the first things to do is to use specific email addresses for each service. When signing up for a site or newsletter, try to use separate email addresses for each service. Many paid email services offer the creation of aliases that redirect to your main inbox. If you use Gmail, you can also take advantage of its alias functionality by adding a “+” followed by unique text after your username. However, this method can be detected by some tracing tools, so it is recommended to use other more advanced solutions.

Another option is to use services specifically designed to resist tracking by unique identifiers. For example, the paid version of iCloud offers the functionality Hide My Email, which allows you to keep your real email address hidden when signing up for a service. A dummy email address is generated and replaces your primary address, while delivering messages to your real inbox. When you decide to delete this fictitious address, it breaks the link between the provider of the service and you, which prevents further tracing.

Additionally, it is essential to combine these practices with password and alias management tools to keep track of the various email addresses and aliases used. It can be difficult to remember every alias used, and a password manager can help you keep and organize this information.

Finally, it is also important to stay informed of the latest tracking techniques and the means of protection available. Tracking methods are constantly evolving, and it is crucial to update your knowledge and tools regularly to ensure optimal protection against online threats.

Other tips to boost your online protection

In addition to protecting against tracking by unique identifiers, there are other steps you can take to enhance your online security and protect your privacy.

Using a virtual private network (VPN) is a great way to browse the internet anonymously. By hiding your IP address and encrypting your connection, a VPN makes it harder for websites and advertisers to track you online and collect information about you.

Also, it is essential to keep your software up to date. Security updates are regularly released for operating systems, browsers and applications. By installing these updates, you ensure that you have the latest protection against online threats.

Setting up two-factor authentication (2FA) for your online accounts is another important safeguard. 2FA adds an extra layer of security by requiring confirmation by another means (e.g., code sent via text message or authenticator app) in addition to your password.

Finally, be careful when sharing personal information online. Think carefully before disclosing details such as your address, phone number or date of birth, as this information could be used for malicious purposes.

By following these tips, you can strengthen your online protection and minimize the risks associated with tracking and data collection.