You want to progress, know that a promotion is not easily obtained. You must have a strategy. There are many who have worked all their lives without ever having obtained anything.

What are the errors that can block a promotion? Here are 12 mistakes you should never make. They are very widespread, and it is possible that without realizing it, you are making your evolution almost impossible.

1. You want a promotion, but no one knows

Contrary to what some dreamers believe, you won't end up getting a promotion by working hard. On the contrary, only hardworking and talented employees who express a desire to do more are rewarded with a new rank. If you had never told your boss that you dreamed of a new, higher role. You can only expect a pat on the shoulder and a few smiles. Which makes sense, if your boss isn't aware of your career goals. Make an appointment with him or her and tell him that you want a promotion. Also ask him for some advice on your particular situation.

2. Don't forget to showcase your leadership skills.

The quality of your work means that you are often consulted by your colleagues or superiors. If you want to rise in rank, you have to demonstrate your leadership skills. Don't leave it up to others to make a career out of your work. When promotions are given, people with leadership skills are preferred. Find ways to motivate your colleagues, make suggestions and go the extra mile. If you do a great job, but when you arrive at work you don't say hello to anyone. For the promotion it is not won in advance.

3.Try to stick as closely as possible with the chefs dress code.

You may not have noticed it, but chances are your leader is wearing a specific type of clothing. So, if all managers wear black pants and shoes, avoid Bermuda shorts and floral shirts. Although dress codes vary from industry to industry, pay attention to how people in the position you are applying for dress. Try to imitate them without compromising your personality and without overdoing it either.

4. Job issue, exceed expectations.

If you think your boss doesn't know how much time you spend on Facebook each day, you're wrong. If you're just joking at work, your boss will notice. And that's not going to help you get promoted. Instead, try experimenting with different working methods, new software, new application. Track your working time and figure out how to best use it to get more work done in less time. Everyone likes a job well done quickly.

5. Act like a consummate professional

There is a difference between knowledge and omniscience, because if you are perceived as a know-it-all person it can cost you your promotion. Managers are looking for someone who can develop and prepare for a new position. If you are smug, your boss may think it will be impossible for him to train you. Instead, don't be afraid to admit what you don't know and develop your humility. Nobody wants to work with an idiot who doesn't understand anything, but who nevertheless thinks he's an expert.

6. Avoid spending your time complaining

Everyone can complain about their work from time to time. But constantly complaining will make your colleagues and managers nervous. Someone who spends his time crying and not working is not destined to become a manager. Count the number of times you've complained this week, identify the issues that bothered you, and come up with a plan to improve the situation.

7. What are your manager's priorities?

You know you want a raise. But you should also know what your manager wants. What are his work goals and preferences? This is so that you can adapt to it as much as possible. You may be directing all your efforts and concentrating all your abilities in the wrong direction. Stay alert to any changes in the situation. If your boss never reads those emails and never drinks coffee. Don't wait for him at the coffee machine and don't email him a 12-page report.

8. Make sure you're someone you can trust

We're talking about the confidence that comes when your boss knows you can do a job and do it well. You may not have good communication skills or you are frequently short on time. Which can lead to trust issues between you and your boss. He may wonder about your abilities and seriousness. If so, talk to your boss about the best way to keep him informed about work in progress.

9. Watch out for your reputation

Your reputation says a lot about you, especially when it comes to promotions. You are often sick during school holidays. Block practically every day in traffic jams. The file you had to return was delayed because your computer crashed. In other words, when you want a promotion, you have to work. And solving all the problems, which on a daily basis may suggest that you are in bad faith, is part of the job.

10. Don't just think about money

Most promotions come with a raise, and there's nothing wrong with wanting to make some money. But if you are looking for a new job just for the money. You're likely to see the people who really want the responsibilities and the extra income that come with it pass you by. Your boss will prefer people who care about the business, who like a job well done. Not just those who want a higher salary and for whom nothing else matters

11. Improve your relationship skills.

If you don't know how to communicate or get along with others, you limit your chances of advancing in the company. In your new position, you may be required to manage another employee or an entire team. Your boss needs to know that you can interact with them in a positive and motivating way. Demonstrate these skills now. Think about how you interact with others, and see how you can improve your relationship skills in any situation.

12. Take care of your health.

You think your boss doesn't care that you take care of your health. You are wrong. Whether you like it or not, poor eating, exercise, and sleep habits can impact your workplace. Your boss might tell you: If you can't take care of yourself, how are you going to take care of others? If you know you can take better care of yourself at work and at home, set yourself small, achievable goals. It will help you feel energized and positive.