Collective agreements: how to resort to long-term partial activity (APLD)?

Partial long-term activity (known as APLD) also called “reduced activity for continued employment (ARME)” is a system co-financed by the State and UNEDIC. Its vocation: to enable companies facing a lasting reduction in activity to reduce working hours. In return, the company must make certain commitments, particularly in terms of maintaining employment.

No criteria of size or sector of activity are required. However, to set up this system, the employer must rely on an establishment, company or group agreement, or, where applicable, an extended branch agreement. In the latter case, the employer draws up a document in accordance with the stipulations of the branch agreement.

The employer must also obtain validation or approval from the Administration. In practice, he sends the collective agreement (or unilateral document) to his DIRECCTE.

The DIRECCTE then has 15 days (to validate the agreement) or 21 days (to approve the document). If his file is accepted, the employer can benefit from the system for a renewable period of 6 months, with a maximum of 24 months, consecutive or not, over a period of 3 consecutive years.

In practice…