Alors que le teleworking should be generalized wherever possible during confinement, many employees wonder if they are entitled to Restaurant vouchers. "In application of the general principle of equal treatment between employees, teleworkers benefit from the same legal and contractual rights and advantages as those applicable to employees in a comparable situation working on the premises of the company", recalls the Ministry of Labor in its frequently asked questions devoted to teleworking. This rule is also recalled to Article L. 1222-9 of the Labor Code.

As soon as employees carrying out their activity on the company's premises benefit from meal vouchers, teleworkers must also receive them if their working conditions are equivalent.

The working day should be interrupted by a meal break

In both cases, the rule is the same: "An employee can only receive one meal voucher per meal included in his daily work schedule" (article R. 3262-7 of the Labor Code). Teleworkers will receive a meal ticket per teleworked day as soon as their working day covers “2 shifts interspersed with a break reserved for taking a