As an employer, I had to protect the health and safety of my employees and therefore placed them, whenever possible, in a telework situation. However, is it possible for me to remotely monitor the activity of my teleworkers?

Whether the implementation of teleworking within your company is the result of a collective agreement signed with the unions or of the health crisis, not everything is allowed and certain rules must be respected.

While you generally trust your employees, you still have some concerns and reservations about their productivity when they telecommute.

You therefore want to control the activity of employees who work at home. What is authorized in this matter?

Telework: the limits to employee control

The CNIL published at the end of November, a question and answer on teleworking, which answers this question.

According to the CNIL, you can completely control the activity of teleworking employees, provided that this control is strictly proportionate to the objective pursued and that it does not infringe the rights and freedoms of your employees and while respecting obviously some rules.

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