This operation, which therefore remains valid until June 30, 2021 under penalty of losing the acquired rights, was made necessary by the change of regime of the two systems. A need reinforced by the latest training reform provided for by the law “for the freedom to choose one's professional future” of September 5, 2018.

Created in 2014, the DIF allowed their holders to acquire a drawing right to training counted in hours paid for by mutual funds by the former approved joint collecting bodies (OPCA).
In the event of non-use of these hours acquired under the DIF, a ceiling of 120 hours had been established. Hours which can therefore still be converted today into euros, provided that rights are transferred to their CPF account which, since 2015, has been funded at the rate of € 500 per year for employees working at least part-time, within the limit of a ceiling of 5.000 €. For the least qualified employees, food is increased to € 800 per year and capped at € 8.000. Active workers who have activated their personal online account therefore have the possibility of increasing their nest egg by transferring their…