The MOOC EIVASION "advanced level" is devoted to the customization of artificial ventilation. It corresponds to the second part of a course of two MOOCs. It is therefore advisable to have followed the first part (entitled "Artificial ventilation: the fundamentals") to fully benefit from this second part, the objectives of which are to initiate the learners:

  • patient-ventilator interactions (including asynchronies),
  • the principles of protective ventilation and ventilatory weaning,
  • monitoring tools (such as ultrasound) and adjuvant techniques (such as aerosol therapy) in ventilation,
  • proportional modes and advanced ventilation monitoring techniques (optional).

This MOOC aims to make learners operational, so that they are able to make appropriate decisions in many clinical situations.


Artificial ventilation is the first vital support for critical patients. It is therefore an essential rescue technique in intensive care medicine, emergency medicine and anesthesia. But poorly adjusted, it is likely to induce complications and increase mortality.

To meet its objectives, this MOOC offers particularly innovative educational content, based on simulation. EIVASION is the acronym for Innovative Teaching of Artificial Ventilation through Simulation. Thus, it is strongly recommended to have followed the first part entitled "Artificial ventilation: the fundamentals" to be able to fully benefit from the teaching of this second part.

All teachers are expert clinicians in the field of mechanical ventilation. The MOOC EIVASION scientific committee is made up of Prof. G. Carteaux, Prof. A. Mekontso Dessap, Dr L. Piquilloud and Dr F. Beloncle