The secrets of the greatest masters

Do you have a dream, a passion, a talent? Do you want to thrive in your personal and professional life? Want to have a positive impact on the world? Then you must read the book “Achieving Excellence by Robert Greene”, which reveals the secrets of the greatest masters in history.

Robert Greene is a bestselling author, known for his books about power, seduction, strategy and human nature. In his book Achieving Excellence, he analyzes the biographies of exceptional personalities such as Mozart, Einstein, Da Vinci, Proust or Ford, and identifies the principles that allowed them to reach the peak of their art.

This book is not a simple collection of anecdotes or advice. It is a real practical guide, which accompanies you step by step on your journey towards excellence. It shows you how to choose your chosen field, how to learn effectively, how to develop your creativity, how to overcome obstacles and how to influence others.

In this article, I will introduce you to the three key stages of the mastery process described by Robert Greene:

  • learning
  • The creative-active
  • Mastery


The first step to achieving excellence is learning. This is the longest and most difficult phase of the process, but also the most important. It is during this period that you will acquire the essential bases to master your field.

To learn effectively, you must follow these rules:

  • Choose an area that matches your natural inclination, that is, what excites and motivates you deeply. Don't let yourself be swayed by fashions, social pressures or the expectations of others. Follow your instincts and your curiosity.
  • Find a mentor who will guide you, advise you and pass on his know-how to you. Choose someone who has already achieved excellence in your field and who can offer you constructive feedback. Be humble, caring, and grateful to your mentor.
  • Practice intensely and regularly. Dedicate at least four hours a day to your learning, without distractions or interruptions. Repeat the exercises until you have mastered them perfectly. Always seek to improve your technique and correct your mistakes.
  • Experiment and explore. Don't just follow established rules or copy existing templates. Dare to think outside the box and try new approaches, new combinations, new perspectives. Be curious and creative.

The creative-active

The second step to achieving excellence is creative-active. This is the phase where you will put into practice what you have learned and express your personality. It is during this period that you will develop your unique and original style.

To be creative-active, you must follow these rules:

  • Find your voice. Do not seek to imitate or please others. Affirm your identity and your opinions. Express what you feel and what you think. Be genuine and sincere.
  • Innovate and create value. Don't just duplicate or improve what already exists. Seek to contribute something new and useful. Solve problems, fill needs, create emotions. Be original and relevant.
  • Take risks and learn from your failures. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and face challenges. Dare to try bold ideas and ambitious projects. Accept making mistakes and questioning yourself. Be brave and resilient.
  • Collaborate and inspire others. Don't work alone in your area. Look for the exchange and sharing with other people who share your passion and your vision. Take advantage of the diversity of talents, experiences and points of view. Be generous and influential.


The third step to achieving excellence is mastery. This is the phase where you will reach the top of your game and become a benchmark in your field. It is during this period that you will go beyond the limits of the possible and create masterpieces.

To achieve mastery, you must follow these rules:

  • Integrate your knowledge and your intuition. Don't just rely on your reason or your emotion. Call on your global intelligence, which combines logic, creativity, instinct and experience. Be intuitive and rational.
  • Develop your vision and strategy. Don't get overwhelmed by details or urgencies. Keep an overview and a long-term perspective. Anticipate trends, opportunities and threats. Be visionary and strategist.
  • Transcend conventions and paradigms. Do not limit yourself to established norms or dogmas. Challenge received ideas, prejudices and habits. Seek to discover new realities, new possibilities, new truths. Be revolutionary and pioneer.
  • Share your knowledge and wisdom. Do not keep your knowledge or achievements to yourself. Pass on your heritage to future generations. Teach, advise, guide, inspire. Be generous and wise.

Achieving Excellence is a book that teaches you how to develop your potential and achieve your dreams. It shows you how to master your chosen field and how to become a leader, an innovator and a visionary. In the videos below, the book listened in full.