Interpersonal communication is one of the factors that optimizes a company's performance. When taken seriously, it is a major asset for each employee as well as for the organization itself. This is why it is important to make efforts on this subject. The question is how to improve it in order to benefit from its benefits. This is what we will see below.

False ideas about interpersonal communication

Are you one of those people who do not know how to improve their relationship with others, especially in your workplace? So be aware that certain bad habits can alter Communication that you have with your colleagues. Here are some assumptions that you must abandon to improve your relationships, regardless of the people with whom you have to exchange.

 We always understand what I'm saying

Do not believe that everything you say is always understood by your interlocutor. Also, always be attentive and ask yourself if the person you are talking to has grasped everything you told him. Normally, if you are well understood, your interlocutor may reformulate your message in another way, attention to misunderstandings.

 Speak more to better understand each other

If your ideas or your arguments remain misunderstood after your explanations, do not insist in this way and do not raise the tone to make yourself understood either. Indeed, other simpler or more illustrated methods allow you to present your ideas. Likewise, the use of certain tools can greatly help you achieve this.

 Talking solves all the problems

To think that directly addressing a problem will always solve it is also a mistake. Indeed, some cases resolve themselves without you having to talk with other members of your team. So be always attentive and know that keeping silence is wiser in certain situations. You do not have to be the one who evokes the topics that annoy at every opportunity.

 Communication fluency is innate

No employee can master communication without having learned the basics and trained. Following the example of charisma, knowing how to communicate is working, and some can do it quickly, others can not. As well as if some people have a natural influence, others have to train before they have natural persuasion. By following some relevant tips on the subject, you can improve in this area.

To know oneself well

Although you always seek to maintain a harmonious relationship with others in your work, in some cases it is important to think of your own interests before those of others. The opposite can indeed negatively impact your productivity, a good reason to determine what you really want. According to your words and your behavior, you reveal in fact:

 your personality

Each collaborator has his own personality, that is to say the traits that differentiate him from others and constitute his personal identity. By taking into account your personality, you will be able to determine the situations or opportunities that are favorable to your development and those that can harm your work environment. You will be able to remain faithful to yourself.

 The values ​​you cherish

These values ​​can be social, religious, moral or other and it is on them that you invest and base yourself in everyday life. If integrity is a value you value, you can always respect it and encourage your colleagues to consider how you view things in their dealings with you.

 Your habits

As a person, you have your own habits. Some may be in favor of a good relationship, well maintained, with your colleagues, while others, no. Try to recognize those that have a negative impact and improve them.

 Your needs

Know what materials you need to do the job properly. Do the same for the conditions in which you want to do it. In fact, many employees would be more productive if they were provided with the right equipment to do their job. Just as many expect positive feedback or at least constructive criticism to improve their productivity. Do not be one of those who agree to work in any conditions and in any way.

 Your feelings

Know how to recognize your emotions before talking to a colleague or during your exchanges. Indeed, you may feel joy, sadness, anger or fear. By taking into account the state in which you find yourself, you will be more likely to take a conscious decision or postpone your interview to better understand the situation.

What to say ? What to do ?

Be direct, that is, inform your colleagues of your opinion on a subject or a situation while keeping the focus on you and your ideas. To do this, get in the habit of speaking in the first person "I." For example, “I am appalled by your delay in meeting this morning. "And avoid" everyone thinks that delay in a meeting should be penalized. "

State the facts. Avoid making judgments about the behavior of your colleagues, just state the facts. Say for example: “the information you shared is incomplete” instead of “you want to monopolize the data to have more power over colleagues. "

Gestures in accordance with your words: Also prefer to keep quiet instead of complimenting a colleague on a job you do not like. Indeed, to establish a good relationship of trust, it is important that your actions are in harmony with your words.

Ask others for feedback

Some people have innate interpersonal communication skills while others need to be sensitized and trained to those types of issues. To avoid misleading your current skills, ask your audience what they think about how you interact with them on a daily basis.

The golden rule of good communication

So how can we make ourselves heard by our interlocutor if we ourselves have the bad habit of not listening to what he explains to us? Paying attention to a person's words is a mark of respect in interpersonal communication. So avoid distracting yourself while the other is talking to you. Then rephrase what he told you to prove to him that you have understood everything.

Although these tips are provided for application in the workplace, they will be useful everywhere else.