In the current epidemiological context and the large influx of patients with severe respiratory impairment linked to SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), it is necessary to have tools for accelerated training in the management of respiratory failure. in these patients in order to make as many health professionals as possible operational.

This is the whole purpose of this course which takes the form of a "mini MOOC" which requires a maximum of 2 hours of investment.


It is broken down into two parts: a first devoted to the basics of artificial ventilation, and a second dedicated to the specifics of the management of a possible or confirmed case of COVID-19.

The videos of the first part correspond to a selection of videos from the MOOC EIVASION (Innovative Teaching of Artificial Ventilation by Simulation), available in two parts on FUN MOOC:

  1. "Artificial ventilation: the fundamentals"
  2. "Artificial ventilation: advanced level"

We strongly recommend that you first complete the course "COVID-19 and critical care", then if you still have time and the subject interests you to register for the MOOC EIVASION. Indeed, if you follow this training, it is because the epidemiological emergency requires that you be trained as quickly as possible.

As you will see, many videos are shot "in a simulator bed" using interactive multicamera shooting. Feel free to change your viewing angle with a single click while viewing.


The videos of the second part were shot by teams from Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) involved in the fight against COVID-19 and the Société de Réanimation de Langue Française (SRLF).