Impactful introduction, clear development and engaging conclusion

Structure is the key to a successful and impactful email report. Before writing, take the time to plan your content around a 3-part framework: introduction, development, conclusion.

Start with a short, punchy introduction, ideally a catchphrase outlining the main purpose of your report. For example: "Our new product launch last month shows mixed results that need to be investigated."

Continue with a development structured in 2 or 3 parts, with a subtitle per section. Each part develops a specific aspect of your report: description of the problems encountered, corrective solutions, next steps, etc.

Write short and airy paragraphs, getting to the point. Provide quantified evidence, concrete examples. A direct, no-frills style will make your email report easier to read.

Bet on an engaging conclusion that summarizes the key points and opens a perspective by proposing future actions or encouraging a response from your recipient.

This 3-step structure – introduction, body, conclusion – is the most effective format for professional and impactful email reports. By following these best practices, your writing will captivate your reader from start to finish.

Use descriptive headings to structure your report

Subtitles are essential to visually break down the different parts of your email report. They allow your reader to easily navigate to key points.

Write short headings (less than 60 characters), precise and evocative, such as “Quarterly sales results” or “Recommendations to improve our processes”.

Vary the lengths of your intertitles to energize reading. You can use affirmative or interrogative formulations as needed.

Leave a blank line before and after each heading to make them stand out in your email. Use Bold or Italic formatting to visually distinguish them from body text.

Make sure your headings accurately reflect the content covered in each section. Your reader should be able to get an idea of ​​the subject just by reading the intertitle.

By structuring your email report with neat headings, your message will gain in clarity and effectiveness. Your reader will be able to go directly to the points that interest him without wasting time.

Conclude with an engaging summary

Your conclusion is meant to wrap up the key points and inspire your reader to take action after your report.

Briefly summarize in 2-3 sentences the important points and conclusions developed in the body of the email. Highlight the information you want your reader to remember first.

You can use certain key words or expressions from your intertitles to remind the structure. For example: "As mentioned in the section on quarterly results, our new range of products is encountering difficulties that must be resolved quickly".

End with an opening to what's next: request for validation, call for a meeting, follow-up for an answer... Your conclusion should stimulate your reader to react.

Assertive style and inclusive phrases like “Now we must…” give a sense of commitment. Your conclusion is strategic in giving perspective to your report.

By taking care of your introduction and conclusion, and by structuring your development with powerful intertitles, you guarantee a professional and effective report by email, which will know how to capture the attention of your readers from start to finish.

Here's a fictional example of an email report based on the editorial tips discussed in the article:

Subject: Report – Q4 Sales Analysis

Hello [Recipient's first name],

The mixed results of our sales of the last quarter are worrying and require rapid corrective actions on our part.

Our online sales fell by 20% compared to the previous quarter, and are below our objectives for the peak season. Similarly, in-store sales were up only 5%, while we were aiming for double-digit growth.

Causes of poor performance

Several factors explain these disappointing results:

  • Traffic down 30% on the online site
  • Poor in-store inventory planning
  • Ineffective Christmas marketing campaign


To bounce back quickly, I suggest the following actions:

  • Website redesign and SEO optimization
  • Advance inventory planning for 2023
  • Targeted campaigns to boost sales

I remain at your disposal to present a detailed action plan at our meeting next week. We need to react quickly to return to healthy sales growth in 2023.


[Your web signature]
