Beyond Techniques, the Psychology of Negotiation

Negotiation is too often summarized as a simple exchange of concessions. We approach it from a purely utilitarian point of view, as the art of haggling for the best price or the best conditions. However, negotiating is a much more complex process.

Every day we negotiate in all areas of our lives. At work, with family or friends, our actions and decisions result from constant negotiation. This may involve sharing material goods but also resolving differences. To reconcile our different interests, desires, dreams or preferences.

This LouvainX training offers to explore negotiation from a radically different angle. No longer the techniques of a door-to-door salesman, but the underlying psychological mechanisms. Its approach is resolutely descriptive rather than prescriptive.

It rejects the theoretical view of hyperrational and optimal individuals. Instead, it studies the actual behaviors of imperfect and complex human beings. People with multiple motivations, expectations, prejudices and emotions. Whose analysis and decision-making are conditioned by cognitive biases.

By dissecting each influential variable, this course will provide a detailed understanding of the psychological processes at work. A unique insight into what is really at stake in any negotiation.

An Exploration of Human Mechanisms in Conflict Situations

Far from theoretical models. This training dives into the heart of real human behavior. It explores in depth what happens when two parties with divergent interests are brought to negotiate.

Human beings are complex. They are not pure rational agents optimizing every decision in a perfectly logical way. No, they react instinctively, emotionally. Even irrational depending on the circumstances.

This training will help you discover the multiple facets that come into play. It will dissect the underground motivations that drive each camp. It will explore the different expectations and perceptions present. But also the prejudices and cognitive biases that inevitably influence our thought processes.

Emotions also play a crucial role in negotiation. This dimension is rarely addressed. But nevertheless essential to understand. Fear, anger, joy or sadness will impact everyone's decisions.

Finally you will understand why certain behaviors fluctuate seemingly randomly. Situations such as the personality of the negotiators profoundly modify the dynamic.

In short, a complete dive into human psychology for any negotiator wishing to go beyond simple technical aspects.