We all know that apologizing to a colleague or anyone is not easy. In this article, we help you find the right words to apologize by email.

Make amends to preserve your relationships

In your professional life, you may have to apologize to a colleague, because you were unable to attend their event, because you have been offensive under pressure, or for any other reason. To not poison things and keep a cordial relationship with this colleague, it is important to choose your words carefully and write a polite email and well turned.

Email template to apologize to a colleague

Here's an email template to apologize to a colleague for hurtful or inappropriate behavior:

 Subject: Apologies

[Name of colleague],

I wanted to apologize for my behavior on [date]. I acted badly and I behaved badly with you. I want to make it clear that it is not my habit to act like this and that I have been overwhelmed by the pressure of this common project.

I sincerely regret what happened and assure you that it will not happen again.

