In an ever-changing digital world, ensuring account security Google is essential. Find out how to protect your data and evade online threats.

Create strong and unique passwords

First, strengthen the security of your accounts by choosing strong passwords. Indeed, mix letters, numbers and special characters to create complex passwords that are difficult to decipher. Also, be sure to use a unique password for each account. Thus, if one of them is compromised, the others will remain secure.

Enable two-factor authentication

Next, further protect your Google Account by enabling two-factor authentication (2FA). This method adds an extra layer of security by requiring a unique code, usually sent via text message or through an authenticator app. So even if someone discovers your password, it will be difficult for them to access your account without this code.

Regularly monitor your Google activity

Stay vigilant in consulting regularly your Google activity. Indeed, this function allows you to monitor and control the information stored by Google about your online activity. So, check connected devices, apps, and websites associated with your account, and remove those that are no longer needed or suspicious.

Protect your personal information

Similarly, limit the information shared on the Internet and on social networks. Indeed, cybercriminals can use this data to guess your passwords or answer security questions. So share only the information you need and adjust your account privacy settings to control who can see your posts.

Use anti-virus software and keep it updated

Install quality antivirus software on all your devices and make sure to update it regularly. Indeed, it will detect and eliminate malware that could compromise the security of your Google account.

Exercise caution with suspicious emails and messages

Finally, be alert for suspicious emails and messages that might contain malicious links or infected attachments. Indeed, cybercriminals often use these techniques to deceive users and steal their information. Therefore, do not click on links or open attachments from unknown or dubious sources.

Online security and protecting your Google Account should be a priority. By following these tips and remaining vigilant, you can enjoy the Internet with peace of mind and protect your data from potential threats and breaches.