How to significantly increase your sales, without unnecessarily complicating the process and without adding too many steps? In this training, Philippe Massol, trainer in management, strategy and sales, presents the sales technique SPIN Selling, or SPIG. He explains how this method works, which increases sales by 17% on average. You are a salesperson, experienced or a beginner, you will learn how to put the SPIG into practice, especially during a face-to-face sale. You will discover a series of four questions asked in a very specific order: situation, problem, involvement and gain. Then, you will rely on the reptilian reflexes of your prospects and you will discover how the four questions can change their attitude towards your proposals. Thus, you will know how to structure and prepare a sales meeting that will increase your chances of selling your products and reduce objections.

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Warning: this training is supposed to become paying again on 30/06/2022

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