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To ensure business continuity, companies must constantly evolve to meet customer needs and adapt to market changes. It is therefore important that they always have the necessary skills for their development.

It will also allow employees to integrate properly into their work environment and nurture professional dispositions that will advance their careers.

Skills management requires regular employee training.

Courses funded by various organizations are offered for this purpose. They are designed to meet the needs of businesses and employees.

The training plan includes training activities which are largely financed by own resources and constitute an important tool for the management of skills in the company. It ensures that the development of the necessary skills corresponds to the situation.

Therefore, the training plan must be based on a thorough analysis of the company's strategy and the skills development needs of the employees.

At the same time, it is necessary to keep up with constant changes in legislation and legal obligations.

Analyzing the financing options for external training projects and optimizing the budget is a necessity.

In consultation with the administrative team, social partners and other stakeholders, learn how to ensure the availability of the logistical resources and training necessary for the implementation of such a project.

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