Whether you are a team leader or an employee, reconciling personal and professional life is without a doubt one of your long-term goals. These two aspects are intimately linked and can influence each other positively or negatively depending on your skill in the field. To avoid being overwhelmed or burned out, here are some helpful tips to reconcile the two.

Learn to say NO

During the next vacation period, if you do not leave and a colleague asks you to perform certain tasks, other than your usual, say no. Indeed, there is no point in adding to your already overloaded schedule. This does not mean, however, neglecting teamwork. It all depends on your daily workload, but it is better to refuse if you feel that your colleague's request is misplaced.

Sleep well

As we constantly hear, it takes an average of 8 hours of sleep for the body to recover, always try to respect this duration. Indeed, even if you perceive your sleepless nights as an investment in your professional life, remember that they are futile if you are too tired to go to work effectively. Give your body and mind time to rest.

Leave the work in the office

Learn to differentiate your home from your workplace. The reason is that you have all your time tomorrow to continue what you could not accomplish today. Stop working after dinner or before going to bed. It's like taking a homework assignment to your teacher the next morning when it's really not.

In case you really have to continue, prefer to stay half an hour longer at your desk. Otherwise, avoid being tempted to read your emails or check your work by turning off your business laptop. You can leave your files and your computer in your office. Rather on an increase in your skills and a better organization.

Schedule activities outside of work

Whether it's a yoga session, or an hour of physical activity in a gym, all the ways that you can unwind are good. This is especially so if it contributes to your personal development. For example, spend an evening with your friends, old or new, the whole thing is to be able to improve your comfort of daily life. Spending the evening in front of the television with his family is also a great way to relax.

Give yourself breaks

Difficult to stay focused or always in the best shape from morning to night without pauses. These allow you to relax, take the time to eat a fruit, drink water or go out to get some fresh air. The goal is to distract you from your computer, your client or an endless negotiation.

Organize your work according to the Pareto principle

This means that depending on how you go about it, 20% of the tasks you do can provide 80% of the results you want. These tasks are qualified as strategic insofar as they have high added value. So if you are a morning person, prefer to accomplish this 20% at the start of the day and put back the remaining 80% after the lunch break.

Also avoid wasting time on unsuccessful tasks. Organizing standing meetings will help you limit speaking time to the most important topics and ideas. Use weekly reports or other internal communications to avoid attending all company meetings. Do what you can to usefully retrieve all the information you need for your work.

These tips will allow you to finish the tasks of the day earlier and get ahead, which is proof of efficiency. We always have more peace of mind when our records are up to date.

Do not hesitate to ask a friend for advice

You can also, why deprive yourself, ask for advice on the subject to one of your relatives who visibly displays a better balance between his work and his professional life. It's better than being advised by a stranger who knows nothing about your life and whose services can be charged at a high price.

Take a vacation

Give yourself some time to break the daily routine and take some holidays. Take the opportunity to organize cultural or exotic trips as you see fit. Also take this opportunity to visit your family to close or distant friends. In other words, it's the perfect time to complete projects that you normally can not achieve.

If leaving immediately is not possible, know that extending your weekend by a day is as beneficial as a week off. Moreover, several fun activities can be performed during these 3 days of relaxation.

Delegate some of your tasks

Give your trainee or one of your colleagues the opportunity to increase their skills and knowledge by training them and delegating to them some ancillary tasks. On the other hand, to manage someone to assist you in certain tasks implies a good follow-up of the execution of the requested work. A job poorly done by a person who is supposed to have been trained by you will necessarily have consequences.

Work remotely

It may be possible if it suits you to negotiate to do some of your work from home on certain days, provided that your team does not see any disadvantages. This method of work is advantageous if you want to spend more time at home. But in order for the operation of the business to be not limited by your physical absence, you will have to make sure that everything goes well.

Men and women are all looking for the perfect balance between personal and professional life. It is possible to manage your work and family life, however at certain times choices will have to be made. You will therefore have to prioritize the family aspect by working less, for example, in order to take care of your personal life a little more. Or you will give more time to your professional career by abandoning your personal life a little bit. In any case, it is better that these choices are the result of reflection rather than being dictated to you by an unmanageable situation.