The mastery of speech, a weapon of persuasion

Speech is more than just a means of communication. In “The Word is a Combat Sport”, Bertrand Périer reveals how the word can become a real weapon of persuasion. Périer is a lawyer, trainer, and also a coach in public speaking. With his rich experience, he guides us through the intricacies speech and eloquence.

He explains that the success of a speech lies in the preparation. Having a clear idea of ​​the message you want to convey is the first step to a successful speech. You also need to understand your audience, their concerns and their expectations. Your speech must be constructed in such a way as to meet these expectations.

Périer insists on the importance of self-confidence. It is impossible to convince others if you are not convinced yourself. Self-confidence comes with practice and experience. Périer suggests techniques to improve your self-confidence and manage stage fright.

“Speech is a Combat Sport” is more than just a guide to public speaking. It's a deep dive into the art of communication, persuasion and eloquence.

Appropriating the space through words

In the sequel to “The Word is a Combat Sport”, Bertrand Périer emphasizes the importance of knowing how to appropriate the space during a speech. According to him, the speaker must not only speak, he must physically occupy the space and use his presence to reinforce his message.

He explains that a speaker must be aware of his posture, his movements and his gestures. These non-verbal elements play a crucial role in communication and can often speak louder than words. A good speaker knows how to use his body to emphasize his speech and capture the attention of his audience.

Périer also gives advice on how to deal with stage fright and anxiety. He suggests practicing deep breathing and visualizing success to calm the nerves before going on stage.

In addition, Périer emphasizes the importance of authenticity. Listeners are sensitive to authenticity and sincerity, so it is essential to stay true to yourself and your values ​​when speaking in public. He claims that the best way to be convincing is to be true.

The importance of storytelling in public speaking

Bertrand Périer also addresses a crucial aspect of public speaking: storytelling. Storytelling, or the art of storytelling, is a powerful tool for capturing audiences' attention, creating an emotional connection, and making it easier to remember the message.

According to Périer, a good story has the power to engage the audience in a deep and meaningful way. That's why he encourages speakers to incorporate personal stories and anecdotes into their speeches. Not only does this make the speech more interesting, but it also allows the audience to connect with the speaker on an emotional level.

The author also gives practical advice on how to construct a compelling story. He emphasizes the importance of a clear structure with a beginning, middle and end, as well as the use of vivid details to create a mental image.

In conclusion, “Speech is a Combat Sport” offers a valuable guide for anyone wishing to improve their public speaking skills. With practical advice and effective strategies from Bertrand Périer, you can learn how to use your voice to convince, inspire and make a difference.


Don't miss the video of the first chapters of the book on 'Speech is a Combat Sport'. It's a great way to further explore the teachings of Bertrand Périer. However, keep in mind that these passages do not replace reading the entire book. Take the time to dive into the details and get the full experience that only the book can provide.