You know this mass phenomenon without trying to get out of it.
So to help you, here's why and how to get out of the crowd.

You have everything to gain by getting out of the mass:

It's a bit like a company that wants to stand out from its competitors, out of the crowd is to assert itself as a unique individual, free to think and express themselves.
We could summarize the fact of being in the mass that we miss things, we just miss our lives.
It amounts to doing things that do not really make sense to us without understanding why we can not get out of the crowd.
But if so many people are in the mass, it's because it reassures, everyone does the same thing so it means it's the best thing to do.

How do you know if you are part of the mass?

To know if you are one of those who are part of the mass, a simple question is enough: where do you see yourself in one or more years?
If you are unable to answer this simple question in a concrete way, you are certainly in the mass.
It is the characteristic of the people who are part of it, they do not know where they are going and why they are going there.
But people who are in the mass also do not have enough control over themselves to make real changes in their lives.
They can not get into action despite the fact that they made decisions.
Finally, the last characteristic: absolute thought. A person who is in the mass will tend to say that things are like this and that we can't help it, it's black or it's white, but not both at the same time.

A simple experiment conducted several times by researchers shows that if a person collapses in the street, victim of a heart attack, for example, and no one makes the effort to come to rescue her, no other person else will not do it. It is the mass effect that we can also call "zombification".
It is a very sad fact that proves that our society tends to individualize to the detriment of human relations.

What actions to put in place to get out of the mass?

We all have this selfishness in us and if we do not fight it, it takes over and leads us to melt into the mass.
However, there are solutions to get out of the mass.
It starts with not listening to people who tell you that you are not able to succeed, these people are toxic.
Then you have to have good mental strength to overcome your fears.
Make commitments and stick to it despite all the difficulties that entails.
In short, the best way out of the mass is from you set an objectivewhatever it is, and cling to it with all your strength.